Tom Poulsen Christian Shackles
HCA Berthmasters and they can be contacted on
Office T: 01472 268424 Mobile T: 07454 292384
(The above Phone Numbers are for Office Working Time Hours Only)
Office Hours are 08.00 - 16.00, 7 days a week.
Change to boat lift procedure
These changes have been implemented in order to keep the HCA's costs under control.
Dear Member
Please be advised that the notice period now required to book a boat lift (In or Out) has been revised as shown below:-
A MINIMUM of TWO day's notice is required to book a boat lift (In or Out) during a Tuesday to Friday week day.
Unless in an Emergancy there will be NO lifts on a Monday.
A MINIMUM of FIVE day's notice is required when requesting a lift (In or Out) on a Saturday or Sunday.
Thank you all in advance for your co-operation with the above.
Yours faithfully
Roman Purek
For the latest infomation on Membership and Berthing at the HCA please go Here