Notices & News
No Free Penns for 2025
We have been informed that there will be NO free penns for HCA Members this year
It will be the standard rates for big and small locks
Marine Control Grimsby 04/01/2025
Change to Boat Policy
Will all members please note that we will not be accepting new boats over 45ft as previously stated on here in 2022,at this moment in time we have no berths for boats over 45ft
We have a limited amount of berths for boats up to 38ft and some berths for smaller boats available,all new boat changes must be notified and approved before the boat arrives
Anybody fetching a boat in over 45ft will automatically go on to Long term Visitor rates if we can accommadate them
Steve Parker (berthing) 21.11.24
New Safety Update
With immediate effect ALL crew upon entering or leaving the Dock must now wear a Lifejacket failure to do so may cause the vessel to be refused entry or egress from the dock vg17/01/24
New Tide Table Book 2025
The new Tide Table book for 202 is now available in the Berthmasters Office and in the Bar
New Commodore at the HCA
We are delighted to announce the appointment of a new Commodore Steve Hartshorne has been elected to replace the outgoing Commodore Roman Purek.
He will have Craig Moore as his deputy both have been long term and very active members both on and off the committee and we wish them both well. vg01/08/24
Changes to the sale of Red Diesel at the HCA
The Audit by H M Revenue and Customs carried out this month has revealed that several large quantities of red diesel (between 500 and 1,000 litres) have previously been sold to some of our Members during the Summer months whilst claiming it was for heating purposes only. With immediate effect red diesel will ONLY be sold with a maximum 60 :40 split to ALL vessels requiring refuelling. If any vessel has a separate fuel tank that is used solely for heating purposes, they must clearly demonstrate this to any Committee Member before requesting red diesel at the fully discounted rate for heating purposes only.
Thanking you in advance for your co-operation in this matter.
yours faithfully
Roman Purek
Responsibility of Person in Charge
Good morning every one,
After the tragic loss of life of a crew member during the Ramsgate Regatta this year I feel now is an appropriate time to remind all owners and skippers of their duty towards every crew member whether cruising or racing. Below is a summary of the responsibility of the person in charge and to follow shortly will be a mandatory list of equipment etc. which every yacht must carry if they wish to race with the HCA . I realise some time may be needed to check your yacht and possibly acquire some of the equipment listed ( list to follow ) so this will come into force fully next year.
yours sincerely
Roman Purek
1. The safety of a yacht and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the Person in Charge, who must do his best to ensure that the yacht is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who have undergone appropriate training and are physically fit to face bad weather. They must be satisfied as to the soundness of the hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. He must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used. He/she shall also nominate a person to take over the responsibilities of the Person in Charge in the event of his/her incapacitation.
- Neither the establishment of these Special Regulations, their use by race organisers, nor the inspection of a yacht under these regulations in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the Person in Charge.
- Decision to race – The responsibility for a yacht’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is theirs alone. RRS Fundamental Rule 4.
- All equipment required by Special Regulations shall function properly, be regularly checked, cleaned and serviced, when not in use be stowed in conditions in which deterioration is minimised, be readily accessible, be of a type, size and capacity suitable and adequate for the intended use and size of the yacht.
Dear Member
As you may have noticed the waste bins or skip aren’t always collected by Biffa and are often overflowing.
This is because there are various items put in the bins that are not classed as general waste.
There have been recent occasions when car tyres and paint tins have been thrown into the bins and as a result been refused collection.
Can we all be more aware of items that are not included in our collection eg. paint tins mainly.
If you see anyone throwing paint tins in the skip please make them aware they are not suitable and must be disposed of by taking them to the local recycle centre.
Hopefully this will help everyone.
yours faithfully
Roman Purek
All members please be advised that the cost of our electricity has almost DOUBLED in cost from our Supplier. This price increase has been imposed with immediate effect, and the HCA have no option but to pass this increase on. All future Bills will now reflect this Increase!
Roman Purek
15th May 2022
Oversize Boats
Would Members of the Humber Cruising Association please note that as of the 11/02/2022 there are NO moorings available for boats over 45 feet ( 13.73 metres ) LOA.
yours sincerely
Roman Purek
Notice to Mariners 2022 now the UK has left the EU
Useful information on the below link for any member looking to take their boat to Jersey or any other EU country now the UK has left the EU.
Notice to Mariners 2022. Jersey Territorial Waters
Abandoned Boats
All Members
Our Association is accumulating a number of boats on our hard standing area in various states of disrepair. Most of which have been there for some considerable time with little or no maintenance work being undertaken.
Please be reminded under HCA rules members have 8 weeks usage of the hard standing and associated equipment to undertake annual repairs & maintenance.
These apparently abandoned boats are utilising yard space and associated jacks / cradles / blocks etc in urgent need by other members wishing to actively maintain their vessels.
Will the owners of these long term hard standing boats URGENTLY contact the Berthmaster confirming their intentions?
Thank You
Roman Purek
Crew List
We would like to start a Register / List of people who would like to crew on a regular basis on the HCA yachts that are short handed when taking part in the HCA Races.
Anyone interested in being added to this list please contact Roman Purek via webadmin who will forward your info onto Roman
Thank you
Thank you
A note of thanks to those stalwart Members of our Association for their efforts in checking, securing and moving fenders as required on Members boats during the recent gale force winds. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Taking your Yacht Abroad
UK procedures:
You will need Form C1331, and a Q flag.
Part 1 has to be completed and posted to UK Border Force prior to departure.
You must fly the Q flag when entering UK territorial waters.
Complete Part 2 of form C1331.
Phone the National Yachtline on 0845 7231110 and give the information detailed on page 4. (They will want to know details of your VAT status, alcohol, tobacco, prohibited and restricted and other goods that have been imported)
Do not take down the Q flag until you have customs clearance.
Voyage Abandoned:
If you have submitted Part 1 and the voyage is abandoned, write Voyage Abandoned on Part 2 and post it to the same address.
Marina Speed
Member’s attention is drawn to the 4 Kts Max speed limit when entering both the Fish Dock and HCA Marina. It has been noted that certain vessels are exceeding this limit on a regular basis, thus causing an undesirable and unnecessary wash.
This limit is in place not only for the security and comfort of other moored boats within the marina but also the safety of any other transiting vessels.
Please obey the 4 Kts speed limit.
Roman Purek
Waste Disposal
The HCA provides its members with a waste disposal service for refuse generated from within the HCA grounds and moorings. This service does NOT extend to refuse generated outside the HCA and then brought onto sight for disposal. Any persons identified as using the HCA refuse service for materials generated outside the HCA grounds or moorings will face disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
Roman Purek
A Debenture with the HCA and the names stated within the Debenture form a contract between the two parties. No changes to this contract can be made without full Committee consideration and approval. A Debenture holder wishing to amend the names quoted within their contract should make a written application (all persons involved) to the Committee, and until any amendments have been approved in writing the original contract remains in force.
Roman Purek
Boat Changes
Members are again reminded that prior to making any boat changes an application should be made in writing to the HCA Berthing Committee to ensure a suitable berth is available for the new vessel. Failure to obtain Committee approval before changing your boat may result in a mooring refusal, and the replacement boat then being considered as a visitor.
Its in the members best interest to follow these HCA rules in order to have a clear understanding of the implications before making a boat change.
Roman Purek
Update to HMRC Brexit Rules
The latest HMRC update on the VAT rules applying to boats away can be viewed here courtesy of The Crusing Association.
Update to HMRC Brexit Rules | CA (
VAT Announcement
Hi Roman
I hope you are keeping well during this challenging time.
As many of the HCA members both past and present have undertaken extended sailing periods away from the UK, I wondered if you could post this letter MPs VAT Letter CA Draft on both the HCA website and the Facebook page. The letter is drafted by the RATS team at the Cruising Association who along with the RYA have been campaigning on members behalf. The CA have today sent out this letter to all CA members with the request that it is sent to the members local MP to hopefully bring attention to the unfairness of HMRC’s intention.
HMRC are planning on charging VAT on returning boats to the UK, This is despite the boats already been VAT paid! As cruising sailors do not fall into the rich category this is going to cause hardship and prevent people following their dreams.
The more people who bombard their MP the better.
Below is the letter from the President of the CA explains the letter to members. I have included it for your information.
Dear member,
I am writing to you about an issue that will affect most CA members. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has decided that UK-owned boats returning to the UK post-Brexit, i.e. after the transition period ends on 31st December 2020, will be deemed to be imported and VAT will be payable unless a relief from VAT payment is available. The main relief available is the Returned Goods Exemption. This requires that goods (including yachts) are re-imported within three years of export.
To make matters worse, HMRC decided in September that the rule would be applied rigidly from the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020. This would mean that yachts that have been out of the UK for more than 3 years on 31 December 2020 and yachts bought in the EU which have never been in the UK would lose UK VAT paid status. Given that it was announced in September this year, this was farcical. HMRC has now relented to a small extent and a period of one year’s grace has now been granted for yachts that have been located in the UK at some point but yachts which have never been located in the UK will still lose UK VAT-paid status on 31 December 2020 which is ridiculous. We think there are up to 30,000 UK boats scattered throughout the EU at the moment, many in Greece and Croatia.
The least we are asking of HMRC is that the three year period should start from 31st December 2020 and that the Relief should be available for yachts which have never been located in the UK, but even that is unsatisfactory. Hitherto, in practice boats could leave the UK and sail for as long as they wished, for example round the world, to the Caribbean or just in Europe. HMRC were not interested when they returned and in the vast majority of cases there was no suggestion of additional VAT being payable as long as it was the same person returning the yacht and the yacht had not been significantly improved. We would like to maintain the status quo.
The change in attitude by HMRC is unacceptable. The CA is fighting it but I would like you all to write to your MP expressing your extreme disapproval of HMRC’s new policy. I have attached a letter written by RATS that you may wish to use.
I am also taking this opportunity to remind members that voting for the CA in the “Outstanding Achievement” category in the 2020 British Yachting Awards closes on 15th of this month. Our nomination reads: “Years of campaigning led to a crucial victory that means fishing pots have to be clearly marked in Scottish waters. The association is now continuing its campaign to bring this to the rest of the British Isles.” To vote go to
Julian Dussek
CA President
Best regards
Pauline and Steve Jackson
Thank you
I would like to place on record my sincere thanks to all the people who worked so very hard before, during and after our Regatta to ensure it was once again a resounding success. Sponsors banners were put up outside and the Clubhouse and adjoining facilities were cleaned before during and after use every day and the Bar was open for all to use and enjoy safely.
Thanks again to everyone who helped
Roman Purek
Reminder that from 1st September 2020 you will be asked for photographic evidence of identity as you pass through the ABP Security Checkpoint.
This can be in the form of a driving licence or passport etc.
Dinghy Donation
Roger and Lindy off Sea Badger have generously donated the Dinghy pictured above to the HCA. She is currently situated on the platform near the hoist. Just need some oars or paddles and ready for free use by our Members and visitors.
Roman Purek
Now Available For Winter 2023/24
For 2022/23 Visitors Winter Moorings and Winter Hardstanding availability, please see the berthing & membership page link.
Photo ID
I would like on behalf of every one at the HCA to take this opportunity today to wish our Berth Master Deepak Arya good luck as he leaves us to pursue a different career away from the Humber Cruising Association. I am sure every one will miss him.
yours sincerely
Roman Purek
Thank You
On behalf of the Committee a big thank you to all thoes who turned out on Saturday to help with the yard tidy.
A job well done.
Thank you.
Change to boat lift procedure
Please be advised that the notice period now required to book a boat lift (In or Out) has been revised as shown below:-
A MINIMUM of TWO day's notice is required to book a boat lift (In or Out) during a Tuesday to Friday week day.
Unless in an Emergancy there will be NO lifts on a Monday.
A MINIMUM of FIVE day's notice is required when requesting a lift (In or Out) on a Saturday or Sunday.
Thank you all in advance for your co-operation with the above.
Yours faithfully
Roman Purek
Not Quite Farewell to the EU
Availability of red diesel for recreational boating
Court of Justice of the European Union rules against HMRC over red diesel
Read details from the RYA here
Petition to Parliament re: UK red diesel concession
In 2018, the EU Court ruled that the UK concession allowing UK boaters to use 'red' diesel fuel must cease. Red dye is added to diesel to allow Customs and Excise Officers in both the EU and the UK to identify fuel that is to be used for commercial or heating purposes only. Diesel intended for road use or moving boats should not contain red dye [it should be 'white'] However, as a concession, the UK has been allowed to continue to provide red diesel to non-commercial boaters, relying on the honesty of users to declare what proportion will be used for heating, and therefore be tax-exempt. The 2018 EU ruling requires this practice to cease.
Although the UK government cannot alter the EU ruling, it is possible under some possible Brexit situations, that the UK could apply different rules, which other countries might be obliged to observe. Nothing is certain! However, with this possibility in mind, a petition has been set up nationally which you can sign up to, asking parliament to debate the issue.
Safety Notice by ABP
After recent safety concerns please note the following:
With immediate effect, all vessels wishing to depart Grimsby Royal Dock or Grimsby Fish Dock in visibility of less than 5 cables must have both AIS and Radar.
Darren Briggs
Assistant Dock Master.
Membership cards & Branded clothing
HCA Membership cards are now available form the Office.
Orders can also be placed at the office for new HCA branded Sweatshirt's & Polo Shirts.
Great Drone image of Debatable IV in Scarborough 2018
The HCA have recently invested in a HeartSine Samaritan 500p Defibrillator for both our Members and Visitors wellbeing.
The Samaritan 500p Defib is located in a highly visible (Yellow) cabinet on the toilet block wall just outside the clubhouse.
A YouTube video on how to use the Defibrillator is available at the link below.
Visitor Comments
Check out some of our Visitor Comments
For Sale
Check out our "For Sale & Wanted" page with many more boats now for sale.
Yacht Racing
Check out our Yacht Racing page for the great Trophies to be won (and kept) by the winners of this seasons racing.
Children say Thank you to HCA fishing club
May Marion's passage to Bremerhaven 2015
Bill Hudsons log of May Marion's passage to Bremerhaven 2015 now available within the "Cruising" section..
New, Members Hand Book
The Committee have been working on updating the HCA Members Hand Book. A copy of this document is available within the “Committee & Members” section of our website.
Waste Disposal
Would members please note that the waste collection point is not suitable for product containing hazardous materials. Eg. Tins of paint or Antifoul wether there half full or empty, Fridges & Freezers etc. The HCA has no means of disposing of this type of product.
Please ensure that you use our recycle bins respectively as signages displayed.
Moorings Availability
For current mooring availabilty please view our Berthing & Membership Page.
Members Communication
Members are advised to ensure that the Office have their preferred method of communication on file. (Email or Post).
Naturally email is more cost effective for the Association, and if this is selected as your preference then ALL correspondence will be sent to you in this manner. (Bills, Fees, AGM info etc.)
Wind Cats
See the latest Notice to Mariners from Associated British Ports regarding the new routes for the Wind Cat Boats using the River Humber and the port of Grimsby.
Wifi System
A Wifi system is available within the HCA clubhouse
It is important to note that the club currently only has access to a single internet line with a modest capacity of 7Mb for the whole marina. Many members will have more capacity at home than we have available for the whole club, and fibre optic broadband in not currently available within the Fish Docks.
By using the HCA Wifi system you are also agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of use which can be viewed Here
Members please be aware
Donna Nook Firing Range 53 ͦ 28.0 N 0 ͦ 15.0 E
Sea danger area marked by boys DZ No. 1–6 and the coats.
Although no restrictions are in place on the right to transit the firing area members are advised to exercise particular caution whilst in the area due to intensive military air activity conducted at low level.
Good practice is to check with the Coastguard or Donna Nook Range on VHF Ch.16 before attempting to enter this area.
Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club
National Coatswatch Institution ( NCI )
Mooring Available
Steve Thompson has kindly offered to any interested member the opportunity of taking ownership of his mooring at Holy Island of Lindisfarne. This is a drying mooring situated within the inner harbour (the Ouse) of Holy Island. These moorings are very hard to come by and full details of the costs and type of mooring are available directly from Steve or the HCA admin office.
Association Membership
If considering becoming a member or LTV of the HCA please read our "Berthing & Membership" page Here
Boat Upgrades
Would all members please note letter regarding boat upgrades. Available for download from the "Important Announcements" link within the committee area. Or Click Here
We are always looking to add relevant content to our website. As such all members are encourage to make contributions to the site.
If you have anything you feel would be of use or interest on the website please contact HCA Web Admin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or any Committee member for consideration and uploading.
For Sale & Wanted
If you have any items that you would like posted on our website please contact Doug Scriven or Cliff Bulgin or Vince Geraghty